Young Japanese adults report lowest dating experience in annual survey.

A recent survey shows Japanese young adults have low dating experience and marriage interest, but many still want to date.

Young Japanese adults report lowest dating experience in annual survey.

Just because Japan's young adults haven't dated yet doesn’t mean they don’t want to. A recent survey by O-net revealed a historic low in dating experience among 20-year-olds, with only 53.7 percent having dated. Men's percentage saw a slight rise to 53.5 percent, while women plummeted to 53.8 percent, down from last year’s 70.2 percent.

What’s driving this? Well, many started high school in spring 2020, right as the pandemic hit—missing out on classic romantic moments like sneaking glances or passing notes in class. This lack of dating has also led to diminished interest in marriage, with only 73.2 percent expressing a desire to tie the knot someday, a record low since 2016. But hold on, love isn’t dead; 51.7 percent want to actively date, which is a record high. Plus, those who are dating mostly met at school, so it looks like their romantic futures during college could be bright.

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