U.S. war with Japan depicted only in 'Captain America.'

In "Captain America: Brave New World," the U.S. faces conflict with Japan over the newly discovered resource, adamantium.

U.S. war with Japan depicted only in 'Captain America.'

In Walt Disney’s latest Marvel flick, “Captain America: Brave New World,” the U.S. is all set to face off not with superpowers like China or Russia, but with Japan? Yeah, you heard me right! The drama unfolds as both nations want to stake a claim on a freshly discovered element called adamantium, the same indestructible metal tied to Wolverine. With trust totally crumbling between the U.S. and Japanese leaders, tensions are at an all-time high.

Now, here’s the kicker: the adamantium is chilling somewhere in the Indian Ocean, buried within the remains of a cosmic entity that nearly wiped out Earth, but let’s not dive into that right now. So, how Japan, sitting 10,000 kilometers away, gets thrown into this mix is a bit of a puzzle. Sure, there's talk of fair distribution of this prized resource, but strangely, India and France are the only other countries that pop up in the movie. Crazy, right?

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