Tokyo assisting teachers with student loan repayment.
Tokyo will support student loan repayment for new teachers and civil servants by covering up to ¥1.5 million to address shortages.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is rolling out a new program to help pay off student loans for folks starting as teachers or technical civil servants in April or later. Governor Yuriko Koike announced that they'll cover half of the loan amount, up to ¥1.5 million. This ain't just charity; it’s all about making sure Tokyo has the teachers and skilled workers it needs for the future.
The program targets public and private school teachers and civil engineers hired by the government. They’ll repay up to ¥150,000 per year from the second year of employment to the eleventh. Plus, they’re launching financial aid for students from Tokyo studying abroad, with up to ¥3.15 million available for travel and tuition costs. It’s about time we keep our talent in the game!
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