Speak Japanese like a gyaru: 2024 tips.
The gyaru fashion magazine Egg has released its annual list of the top 10 trending gyaru words and phrases for 2024.

Alright, listen up! Every year, the fashion magazine Egg does a ranking of the top 10 gyaru words and phrases. Gyaru culture is all about flashy styles and that fierce attitude, so the language follows the vibe—funny, expressive, and straight-up relatable. The latest list just dropped for 2024, and you gotta know these to keep up.
At number one is Sore gaachaa?, which means “Is that for real?” It’s that perfect phrase to use when you just found out you’re being a problem and wanna say sorry. Then there's umasugiyarogai, which is like saying food was so good you’d just wanna nap after. Y’all gotta get into these buzzwords if you wanna speak like a true gyaru and stay in the game!
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