Makers of Dassai to brew sake in space and sell 100 milliliters for 100 million yen
Asahi Shuzo plans to brew sake in space, selling a limited batch for 100 million yen, the most expensive sake ever.

```markdown Hold up, let me tell you about this crazy story. Dassai, the famed sake brand, is taking brewing to space—literally. They’re sending rice, water, and koji mold to the ISS in 2025 to brew sake in zero gravity. Astronauts will handle the fermentation in a Japanese experiment module, and after 15 days, the sake will be frozen, brought back, and pressed.
Now here’s the kicker: only 100 milliliters of this “space sake” will be bottled, priced at 100 million yen ($637K). The funds? All going to Japan’s space program. Dassai also hopes to one day brew on the Moon.
Will it taste like stardust or disaster? Nobody knows, but at that price, it better be celestial. ```