Japan's teacher competition rate reaches record low.
Japan's public school teacher employment test competition rate fell to a record low in fiscal 2024, with only 1 in 3.2 applicants passing.

The competition rate for public school teacher exams in Japan hit a record low of 1 in 3.2 applicants in fiscal 2024, according to the education ministry. That’s down from 3.4 in 2023, marking the lowest levels for all school types since 1979. This decline is mainly due to a mass exodus of retiring teachers and fewer applicants overall, with 5,344 fewer candidates this year, totaling 115,619. In Kumamoto Prefecture, the competition rate for elementary teachers hit a staggering low of just 1.2, and overall, Kumamoto city reported the overall lowest at 1.8. To tackle this, the ministry is focusing on reducing working hours and creating a supportive environment for maternity and child care leave, hoping to attract more new recruits.
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