Japan's new no-topping cup ramen: simple, cheap, and somewhat depressing.
Lawson's new ramen lacks toppings to reduce costs, but customers question if the price is justified without additional ingredients.

So Lawson is dropping some new instant ramen called Soup Gekiuma Ramen, which sounds fancy, right? But hold up—these bad boys come with no toppings at all. Just the noodles and broth. You’d think the price would reflect that, but nope, each cup is still 238 yen ($1.50). Is it really a deal if you’re getting ramen that feels like it skipped a party and only brought the broth?
Now, Lawson says they’re trying to help out budget-conscious folks, especially with prices going up everywhere. But customers are feeling shortchanged. Comments from the video show people feeling like they’re being "screwed with" and hoping to pay way less for something so bare-bones. Sure, the last no-topping ramen did well, but will this one find the same success? We’ll find out when the new flavors hit the shelves on January 28.
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