Japan's digital services trade deficit hit a record ¥6.6 trillion in 2024.

Japan's digital trade deficit reached a record ¥6.65 trillion in 2024, driven by rising imports outpacing exports.

Japan's digital services trade deficit hit a record ¥6.6 trillion in 2024.

So, check this out: Japan's digital trade deficit skyrocketed to a record ¥6.65 trillion in 2024, more than tripling since 2014. This report dives into all things digital—like copyright fees for music, video distribution, cloud computing services, and online ads. Japan's been importing more than it's exporting, and come on, with tech giants like Microsoft and Google, who can blame them?

Despite all that, the Finance Ministry dropped some good news with a current account surplus of ¥29.26 trillion in 2024, thanks to better dividend and interest receipts. But hold up, there's still a goods and services trade deficit of ¥6.51 trillion hanging around, mainly due to that digital trade imbalance. And get this—Japan's digital trade deficit could hit ¥10 trillion by 2030, which is roughly what they spend on crude oil!

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