Japanese politician threatens bears to citizens, seeks cartoonish anti-bear bombs.
The governor of Akita Prefecture proposed using drones to handle bear incidents but didn’t clarify their intended payload.

So, the governor of Akita Prefecture, Norihisa Satake, got a wild idea recently. After a bear break-in at a supermarket injured an employee, he declared if folks complain about culling bears, he’d go into "full intimidation mode" and “ship a bear” to their house. Yeah, he said that! Now, that’s some next-level politicking right there.
He also suggested we could have *bear-fighting drones* dropping crazy stuff to deal with these creatures instead of hunters and rifles. Apparently, he thinks unmanned drones could save the day. I mean, we could be living in a cartoon if he wants to go that route. Just when you think you’ve heard everything in politics, here comes the bear-fighting drone guy!
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