Japan to aid digital nomad attraction efforts.

In 2025, Japan will support municipalities attracting digital nomads with subsidies for workspaces and lodging to boost local consumption.

Japan to aid digital nomad attraction efforts.

The Japan Tourism Agency is kicking off a program in fiscal 2025 to attract digital nomads—those savvy workers grinding remotely with just a laptop. They’re throwing down some subsidies to help municipalities and companies prepare workplaces and housing for these modern-day wanderers.

These nomads are expected to spend more than your average tourist, so the agency’s got plans to set up shared offices open 24/7, plus cafes and lounges for interaction. They’ve already tested the waters in five regions this fiscal year and will roll out guidelines for others looking to join the party. With a new residential status allowing stays of up to six months, they’re all about getting Japanese companies and digital nomads to mix and mingle.

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