Japan permits convenience stores to sell over-the-counter drugs.
The health ministry plans to allow over-the-counter drugs to be picked up at convenience stores with prior online consultation from pharmacists.

The health ministry just dropped some news! They’re revising regulations to let you grab over-the-counter (OTC) meds at convenience stores, no pharmacists in sight. But don’t get too wild—before you can buy, you’ll need to get a rundown on the medicine from a pharmacist online. This is all about making it easier for folks in areas with few pharmacies.
Here’s the kicker: once you talk to a pharmacist and get your verification certificate, you can pick up your meds at participating stores. Plus, they’re even thinking about machines that’ll dispense your medication with that certificate. Right now, you’ve gotta wait hours for online deliveries, but this new system is gonna change the game. They'll submit a bill for this exciting change at next year’s Diet session. Stay tuned!
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