Japan bank lending reaches record high by end of 2024.
Japan's bank lending reached a record ¥605.8 trillion in 2024, driven by strong corporate demand and rising raw material costs.

Outstanding bank lending in Japan hit a record high of ¥605.8 trillion by the end of 2024, a 4.4% increase from last year. This surge was fueled by strong corporate demand for working capital due to rising raw material prices and the weakening yen. Big companies led the charge with brisk capital investments, all covered by 110 banks in the Japanese Bankers Association. The lending growth outpaced last year's rate of 3.3%, as five major banks upped their lending by 6.3%. Regional banks followed with a 3.7% rise, while second-tier banks saw a 2.1% increase. However, trust banks were on the decline, cutting lending by 4%. An association official noted that with interest rates expected to rise, companies are likely securing funds while rates are low. Meanwhile, deposits at these banks rose 2.4% to ¥933.9 trillion.
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