Foreign tourist arrested in Japan for attacking convenience store clerk over 3-yen bag dispute.

A misunderstanding over a 3 yen bag led to a violent confrontation between a convenience store clerk and a tourist.

Foreign tourist arrested in Japan for attacking convenience store clerk over 3-yen bag dispute.

Look, self-checkout is meant to be easy, right? You roll in, scan your items, pay, and bounce. But one late night in Sapporo, a British tourist decided to snag a plastic bag without paying the extra 3 yen. Now, that’s either a case of missing the memo or just straight-up forgetfulness.

So, the clerk, a 48-year-old dude, tries to clear things up outside, but next thing you know, he’s got a cut by his eye because the tourist, who claims he didn’t mean to hit him, got a little too heated. The cops got involved, and they arrested the guy. Moral of the story? Even if you're not fluent in Japanese, keep your cool. When in doubt, just pay for what you use. Stealing and throwing hands? Nah, that’s a straight ticket to trouble in Japan.

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