Family Mart introduces fried chicken in school lunches for anniversary in Japan.
Family Mart's Famichiki will be served in Sayama's public schools on December 19-20 to celebrate the store's 70th anniversary.

So check this out, in a major throwback to its roots, Family Mart is serving up its famous Famichiki fried chicken as part of school lunches in Sayama. This is a big deal, celebrating the chain’s 70th anniversary! Kids in 15 elementary and 8 junior high schools will get to chow down on this deliciousness on December 19 and 20.
And let me tell you, the response has been mind-blowing—everyone's just like, “Cool, that sounds tasty!” Japan’s food scene knows what's up. They’re not just dishing out Famichiki solo; it'll be served with regular sides like soup and salad. So, while we’re low-key jealous of those kids, it’s a clever way to honor the brand's journey from one store to 16,000. That’s some serious growth!
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