Bunnies mysteriously dying on Japan's 'rabbit island.'

A man was arrested for kicking a rabbit as police investigate the mysterious deaths of over 70 rabbits on Okunoshima Island.

Bunnies mysteriously dying on Japan's 'rabbit island.'

Just when you thought you heard it all, a guy named Riku Hotta gets arrested for kicking a rabbit on Okunoshima Island, Hiroshima—where over 1,000 bunnies chill and tourists feed them like they’re on some fluffy buffet. Sadly, that rabbit didn’t make it, and now the police think he might have a hand in the recent deaths of 77 other rabbits found dead since November.

The Environment Ministry's scratching their heads over this, saying the bunnies could've croaked from an infectious disease, cold weather, or some human mishap. They're teaming up with vets to get to the bottom of it while keeping a close eye on these little hopsters. Oh, and fun fact: Okunoshima is a former poison gas factory from WWII that’s now a bunny hotspot, claiming to bring good fortune for fertility. Who knew rabbits could be so lucky!

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