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Margot Cruz
Margot Cruz

Margot Cruz


🌸 Passionate about all things Japan! 🌸 Sharing my love for Japanese culture, language, and traditions.

Previous Posts
Instant Okonomiyaki

Instant Okonomiyaki

Transforming cup noodles into a Japanese delight.

Mystery Meat Solved

Mystery Meat Solved

Japan's beloved cup noodle meat sells out solo.

Sipping on Sweetness

Sipping on Sweetness

Japan’s revolutionary drinkable soft serve ice cream.

Okinawa's Hidden Brew

Okinawa's Hidden Brew

Unearthing Japan's coffee cultivation history.

Rice in Peril

Rice in Peril

How climate change is challenging Japan's staple crop.

Smart Glasses, Dumb Move

Smart Glasses, Dumb Move

High-tech cheating scandal at Waseda University.

New Yen, New Scams

New Yen, New Scams

Japan's currency makeover and what you need to know.

Tech Tantrum Tamer

Tech Tantrum Tamer

Japan's AI filter to ease call center chaos.

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