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Margot Cruz
Margot Cruz

Margot Cruz


🌸 Passionate about all things Japan! 🌸 Sharing my love for Japanese culture, language, and traditions.

Previous Posts
Kadokawa Hit by Cyberattack: Data Breach Raises Concerns

Kadokawa Hit by Cyberattack: Data Breach Raises Concerns

Kadokawa faces a major data leak after cyberattack.

Hiroshima Survivor's Story: A Voice from the Past

Hiroshima Survivor's Story: A Voice from the Past

A Hibakusha shares their powerful story of survival.

Digital Printing Revolution: The Future of Fashion in Japan?

Digital Printing Revolution: The Future of Fashion in Japan?

How digital printing is reshaping Japan's clothing industry.

High-Tech vs. Wildlife: Drones Take on Hokkaido’s Bear Problem

High-Tech vs. Wildlife: Drones Take on Hokkaido’s Bear Problem

Drones are protecting Hokkaido from increasing bear encounters.

The Growing Phenomenon of Passionate Fandom in Japan

The Growing Phenomenon of Passionate Fandom in Japan

Oshikatsu turns fandom into a full-time passion.

Japan's New Residency Rules: A Game-Changer for Foreign Workers?

Japan's New Residency Rules: A Game-Changer for Foreign Workers?

New laws could reshape Japan's foreign worker landscape.

Nerunerunerune's Surprising New Drinkable Form

Nerunerunerune's Surprising New Drinkable Form

Nerunerunerune transforms into a drink—good luck finding it!

McDonald’s Japan’s Summer Sizzler or Just a Seasonal Fad

McDonald’s Japan’s Summer Sizzler or Just a Seasonal Fad

McDonald's Watermelon Frappe a hit or miss?

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