71-year-old Japanese man robbed 63 houses, wanted to "look cool," treated strangers to sushi.
A 71-year-old man robbed homes to fund his extravagant spending on sushi, claiming he wanted to appear "cool" while doing so.

So there’s this 71-year-old dude in Fukuoka named Kazunori Inagaki, who decided that robbing people was the way to go. Over 1.5 years, he hit up 63 homes, racking up a nice haul of 9.3 million yen. But here’s the twist: this guy was out there buying sushi for everyone, dropping 300,000 yen just to look cool. Those high life vibes? Yeah, they came straight from robbing a 91-year-old woman and others.
He claimed to be a strawberry farmer, but in reality, he was living off theft. When questioned, Inagaki said his motive was the welfare payments weren't cutting it, but he admitted to dropping cash on others just to seem cool. I mean, if you wanna grab attention, there are better ways than financing your lifestyle by robbing old ladies, right?
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