1,656 food item prices in Japan rising February.

In February, 1,656 food items in Japan will see price increases, driven by rising costs of ingredients and production.

1,656 food item prices in Japan rising February.

Listen up! Prices of food items are set to rise in February by 1.8% from last year, hitting 1,656 items. A survey from Teikoku Databank showed some culprits are chocolate confectioneries, flour products, and frozen rice meals. If you think it’s bad now, get ready—by 2025, the count of increased prices is on track to smash last year’s record, surpassing 10,000 items by April!

Why all this madness? Well, chocolate's getting more expensive thanks to rising cacao bean prices from poor harvests. Morinaga & Co. is boosting their Dars chocolate by 5% to 45%, while Glico is raising Pocky prices. And don't even get me started on Nichirei Foods hiking up frozen grilled rice ball prices due to hefty rice costs! With the yen slipping and wages climbing, experts predict a bigger rush for price hikes this spring than last year. Buckle up, folks!

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